Kuwait Energy Egypt sponsored Prevention and awareness program of burn injuries at Ras Gharib, Red Sea

Published on : 2022-11-15

Within the framework of continual practices in preserving the environment and climate, Kuwait Energy Egypt sponsored AMAN GHARIB initiative, two-days intense awareness workshops, on 30-31 October 2022 at Ras Gharib in Red Sea Governorate in partnership with Ahl Masr foundation, Nahdet Baladna Foundation, the National Council for Women and Ebad Al Rahman Foundation.

This workshop aims to spread local community awareness from the dangers of burn accidents and how to avoid them and deal correctly in case they occur and how to take all preventive measures in the home, educational institutions, and different workplaces. Additionally, the program aims to raise awareness to reject bullying and violence and urge them to accept the other and the difference.

More than 100 beneficiaries were trained on how to deal with fire hazards, first aid methods, and how to act in case of any danger to reduce losses and ensure the safety of Ras Gharib residents. Each participant received a first aid kit in order for any emergency use.

Kuwait Energy Egypt is committed to uplifting the educational knowledge and preventive awareness of the local community.

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