Enap Sipetrol Egypt Commenced its CSR Project in the Western Desert

Published on : 2022-10-25

Enap Sipetrol Egypt Branch General Manager – Denisse Abudinen visited Matrouh Governorate as part of a two-days visit accompanied by Enap Sipetrol Egypt team and Misr El Kheir Foundation representatives following a signed cooperation agreement between the two parties with a various improvement initiative will be executed at Qarat Umm al Saghir village, which is a small and isolated village, affiliated to Matrouh Governorate located in the Western Desert. The main focus was to visit Qarat Umm al-Saghir village and to have a thorough vision on its residents’ living conditions and essential needs in order to provide support as part of Enap Sipetrol Egypt Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives. Yet Ms. Abudinen took the opportunity and distributed school bags and stationery to the 160 students registered in Qarat Umm al-Saghir school. Denisse Abudinen, Enap Sipetrol Egypt Branch General Manager emphasizes “Enap Sipetrol will support the village improving the school furniture and connecting water from the water well to the houses as a first stage for 2022. In addition, Enap Sipetrol is planning to expand the activities in 2023 by improving the houses’ roofs and building new ones for the families in the village”.

Ahead of the village visit, Ms. Abudinen held a coordination meeting with Matrouh Governor in attendance of Qarat Umm al-Saghir tribe head and discussed the essential living needs for the village highlighting that this initiative comes within the framework of the sustainable development goals adopted by Egypt within Vision 2030 and the presidential initiative Haya Karima (‘Decent Life’).

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