Kuwait Energy Egypt sponsors Oil and Gas Industry Conference “OGIC 6” & PetroPulse Magazine
Published on : 2021-12-21

As a part of youth development and empowerment, Kuwait Energy Egypt sponsored Oil and Gas Industry Conference “OGIC 6” for the sixth year in a row organized by American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Suez University Student Chapter. The event took place at the Arab Council for Childhood and Development in December 2021.
During OGIC 6, a number of live series topics starting from Drilling, Coal Bed Methane and Borehole Imaging Techniques were presented by professional keynote speakers to enrich the students with the technical required support and to enhance their educational knowledge. This is in addition to a mind blowing non-technical session entitled “Digital transformation in oil and gas”. At the end of the programme, 3 super winners of “the Article competition” pitched well written technical abstracts about OGIC technical topics.
Kuwait Energy Egypt continued youth development & empowermenti n diverse ways including the sponsorship of PetroPulse Technical Magazine “issue 9” by AAPG which generally publishes full technical knowledge, informative articles, new technologies and discoveries in the field of Oil and Gas.
Kuwait Energy Egypt will continue the youth program to successfully enable students to acknowledge the real needs of the market inspiring the most needed changes to enhance competencies and quality education in Egypt’s petroleum field.