Kuwait Energy Egypt is the diamond and exclusive sponsor of Society of Exploration Geophysicists “SEG Field Camp 2022”
Published on : 2022-10-18

Kuwait Energy Egypt has proudly sponsored Society of Exploration Geophysicists “SEG Field Camp 2022” as a diamond & exclusive sponsor. Kuwait Energy is dedicated to making youth opportunities diverse, inclusive, and accessible that include young people from as many countries and communities as possible in both local and international levels. The field camp is a geophysical camping organized in collaboration between six SEG university student chapters in Egypt, SEG Al-Azhar, SEG Tanta, and SEG Alexandria as main organizers and SEG Mansoura, SEG Ismailia, SEG Ain Shams as community partners. with the National Institute of Astronomical and Geophysical Research (NRIAG) and the Egyptian Geophysical Society (EGS).
This year, the camp targeted Wadi El Rayan, Fayoum province, Egypt. The aim and objective are to find a source of water other than the river Nile, as Egypt suffers from a huge gap between water consumption and production estimated at 21 billion cubic meters annually. The camp's target was to explore underground water and find Wadi El Rayan's aquifer by using four different geophysical methods: Electric, Seismic, Magnetic, and NMR.
The camp was held in two phases, the first phase was online consisting of technical and non-technical sessions presented by key professional experts from the 3rd till 6th of September with an average of 120 online attendees. The second phase was offline from the 8th till the 15th of September consisting of 39 participants, where they were divided into 5 teams. The activities have included three days of fieldwork accompanied by acquisition, processing, and interpretation, followed by a day for integration between the collected data, and one-day geological trip exploring Wadi El Hitan and enjoying a short astronomical session.
Finally, each team presented their paper in the presentation day which was held and hosted in Kuwait Energy Egypt premises. After conducting the final research, the winners were selected by the jury and mentor committee after providing the presenters with valuable and constructive feedback. Kuwait Energy Egypt have presented special gifts to winners who participated in the contest.
Finally, the camp ended up with a ceremonial Award Day of 60 attendees on the 15th of September, where all the organizers, instructors, and participants were awarded.
In planning Kuwait Energy Egypt’s contributions to youth development, we have always strived for a participatory and collaborative approach with a shared vision like the society of exploration geophysicists to achieve the outmost results. Together, with the vision of “Collaboration for Growth”, we help young people develop as mature, well-rounded adults or deal with challenges in their lives.
Kuwait Energy Egypt will continue the youth program to successfully enable students to acknowledge the real needs of the market inspiring the most needed changes to enhance competencies and quality education in Egypt’s petroleum field.